How to Do Constipation Treatment?

Constipation Treatment

How to Do Constipation Treatment?

Now a days Constipation is a major issue among numerous people. It occurs generally when a person has fewer bowel movements or passing stools that are small, hard and dry.
Symptoms: Constipation includes lumpy, hard, dry stool that is difficult to pass.
Other symptoms are stomach-ache, stomach cramps, nauseous and losing appetite.
Here are the list of five natural remedies to get of Constipation-

Constipation Treatment

Constipation Treatment
Dehydration can cause Constipation. To prevent this, it's important to consume enough water to stay healthy.

Constipation Treatment
Exercise provides relief from constipation by decreasing the time for the foodto travel through large intestine. Certain exercises such as running, jogging, swimming.
Constipation Treatment
Increasing the fiber intake can help a lot with people suffering from constipation. Studies have found that dietary fibers can increase the bowel movements.

Constipation Treatment
Green Veggies
 Adding green veggies to our daily routine can help a lot to get rid of Constipation, due to it's high fiber content.
Constipation Treatment
Herbal Laxative
Herbal Laxative (Senna): Many times laxatives can be very effective, especially Senna it is easily available in the market.
Senna contains a number of plant compounds called glycosides, which stimulate the nerves in your gut and speed up your bowel movements.

Constipation Treatment
Adding prunes to your daily diet can help you avoid constipation and it is even considered as the natural remedy for constipation.
Addition to fiber, prunes contain the natural laxative sorbitol. This is a sugar alcohol that has a laxative effect.

All these tips & hack All these tips & hack willdefinitely help you for Constipation Treatment, you should try this.

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